JAWC Volume 2 : My birthday is next Sunday...

Well, I'll be turning 26... and quite frankly... I'm not pleased with where I am... so things have to change... and they have to change dramatically... otherwise I'm gonna be stuck like this for far longer than I anticipated... the first thing that needs to go, is my constant desire to be loved... fuck it... love stinks... it's filled with pain and anguish, and most of all... it just plain feels like crap... why do I need that?.. so fuck love, it sucks I'm not gonna bother with it anymore...

the second thing I'm gonna have to change is, the constant need for validation... that's right, too oft I find myself looking for people to like what I do... so fuck them... I draw what I want, I do what I like, and quite frankly if you don't like it, fuck off, who needs you, I do this for me... so welcome to it, I'm catering to myself now...

Third thing... is my emo... seriously, this doesn't mean I'm gonna be all chipper and happy, but dammit, I'm tired of being all depressed all the time.. it's unhealthy dammit.. so fuck the emo, don't need it, just bringing me down, so I'll still be ranting and angry, I just won't be so damn whiny about it... seriously.. not cool...

Anyway, with my Birthday next week and all, I'll be taking off the rest of the month after the update this friday... so take care and I'll see you guys one last time and then I'll be back in November... so see you on Friday, and take care...

Welcome to it.

- Tiki Man