JAWC Volume 2 : I need to draw more...

I ended up buying a shitload of art supplies for cheap cause of a close out sale at a local art store... so wow... I've been preoccupied with a lot of other things... like trying to expand my art knowledge through other mediums...

Luckily I have the next 3 comics already scanned and they just need to be toned and texted... which means that after 2 weeks I'm out of comics.. go fig right?..

But no worries, this week I plan on finishing any and all commissions I have and then I can buckle down and work on JAWC with reckless abandond...

Now I realize what you're thinking... why am I putting JAWC second to my commissions?... well that's an easy response to that... Commissions make me money, this webcomic makes me absolutely no money whatsoever... NONE, NADA... ZERO ZIP....

So I'm doing this comic out of my own love of experience... every page I draw is helping me understand how to become a story artist... cause let's face it, I don't want to do this the rest of my life, I have other goals and this webcomic WILL END one day.

Ugh, I forgot the point of all this... oh yeah!.. that's right, I'll keep updating but my commissions take precedence, the comic takes next and overall I'm working towards becoming a better artists that will one day become a story artist... yeah, that's the point of this.

So don't be sad if one day the comic has a definitive ending, cause that means I've moved on to better things...

Welcome To It...

- Tiki Man