JAWC Volume 2 : Updating on Schedule... this time...

Did you know that Sarah Palin is a fucking retard?... of course I'm saying this in satire... cause if I wasn't she'd be offended by the use of retard... that's right, as sure as Palin knows her left hand from her right... cause her Left hand has her talking points... I mean, holy crap, what a retard... she can't even remember what she wants to say, so she had to write it down on her hand...

Anyway, I should rant about Valentine's Day... to the people who have someone special in their lives... be wary about them... remember that women are idiots and men are players and that when push comes to shove, a woman will gladly shove you into oncoming traffic if it was to her benefit...

Valentine's is nothing more than a piss poor excuse that people use to make up for the other 362 days of the year they don't give a damn about you... think about it, does your significant other really give a shit unless it's Valentine's Day, Christmas or your birthday?... the answer is probably, "not as much as I'd like."... well, welcome to it, you're in a thankless, loveless sham of a relationship... and for all you marrieds out there, don't think this doesn't apply to you, you lot are the worst of it all...

You lie, cheat, bullshit and try to be sly, but you assholes are making it worse for everyone else, cause we see the farce as singles and realize that couples aren't a good thing, they're just a way to make sure you have someone to be with... but let me guess.. you take separate vacations, have separate bank accounts and you prolly work different hours and when you do actually see each other, one wants to just sleep from the pain of work all day while the other one ends up doing sonething else... you buncha bastards actually believe you have a good thing going...

of course you do, you're not really married, you're just room mates with benefits....

Bleh... anyway, all you lying bastards and bitches on Valentine's Day, try to put up with each other cause of the holiday and get back to your separate lives the day after... Welcome to it.

- Tiki Man -