Welcome to The SoapBox!!

This is the freedom of speech page.. or the "SoapBox" welcome!.. obviously you dropped by because you figured... hey, I need to see how messed up this person is... well here we go...

Merry Christmas... dunno what's so merry about it but, what the hell...

Got a really cool gift yesterday from Aaron Call, or Dr. Oddvious, He kicks off a whole new button with some awesome CG versions of some of my old and newer pencils!, go take a look, it's some sweet CG work... well, at least I think so.

Christmas is now upon us and new years is right behind... makes me wonder what I should resolute to do... I'll make it simple I suppose, but you'll have to wait until the first when I update again to see what it is... Anyway, this is the rant page might as well spew forth my opinions...

Christmas.. a time where people who care for each other get together and exchange gifts to express there feelings towards one another.. a time of goodwill, peace on earth and goodwill towards ones' fellow man... or, a time for materialism and the anger and tension of the hustle and bustle of everyday activity...

Over the years, Christmas has come to mean less and less to me, I don't really see it's value as a holiday... sure, it's roots stem from celebrating the birth of Jesus... but since then it's become degraded to an excuse to act good for one day out of the year... and sometimes even that ultimately fails...

Scrooge had it right, "Every person with a merry christmas on their lips should be boiled in their own pudding with a stake of holly through their heart!"

But I digress... I suppose christmas lost it's magic when you start to see things degrade around all holidays... it's as if when things are supposed to be better, it always seems to get worse... it's not a good thing and it leaves me jaded, but you try to make due regardless... and follow with the attitude that not everyone is bad and everything is not going to get worse... this is life and although the inherent good in people gets tucked away for awhile... it's still there...

At least I hope it's still there...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, see ya new year!...


Y'know what? Come back next week to see if I really give a damn...