Welcome to The SoapBox!! - The area where the anger flows like milk and honey...

Why the fuck can't I or any other artist go emo?... what is it that makes those with no artistic ability think that all artists are normal perfectly rational people that are just there to draw for them?... where do you bastards get off thinking that artists are out there for you and you alone... shit, I like to go emo... I like the fact that I can show that I'm fucking HUMAN... so damn sorry if I'm not "furry" enough for you bastards out there... I like drawing my art but shit, go fuck off if you can't handle that I have emotions...

Yeah, I took down the parody and porn... you don't like it?... tough shit... you want a reason?... well the best I can give you is that I don't particularly like drawing porn... the parody I may put back up, but I'll just throw down pencils of work inspired by or in the style of.. or some shit like that, but hell... it's not like you bastards really stop by the site and look at the work here... I have over 350 pencils and as far as I know all you bastards look at is the CG gallery... yeah, that's making me really feel as though you give a shit...

But your work is located at an adult website.. why not keep up the smut you took down!?....that's a good point, and had you been here in the beginning, I was the only softcore artist here... I'm still unsure of why... however I was picked up and I came to stay... it wasn't for a while that I started to draw smut a little over a year now... my first passion has always been softcore and pinups... it wasn't until mid-year 2004 that I started to draw the sexxings... so if for some reason I've gained the popularity of a smut artist in less than a year before I decided to stop... that's fucked up... I'm not popular, I finally stopped drawing to feel popular and I don't feel like going back to it unless I want to... and at the moment I don't want to...

anyhow, the topic of this rant is emo... yeah, I've gotten my emo out.. more or less, still I wonder what it is that makes you non-artists get the impression that what we do is easy... hell I know that if I'm in the mood I can draw a good sketch in less than 20 minutes... or if it's 2 characters, 45 minutes... but overall that's just if I draw what I want... commissions take a helluva lot longer to do, I actually have to make it look really good, so that when I ink it gets done right the first time... but you bastards out there, think that all this is instantaneous... well fuck you, you sick sons of bitches...

Geez, you make it so that when people do go emo, it's a bad thing.. like me expressing how I feel about something is a negative in your holy land of perversion... I have emotions, I have feelings, I hate things, I get confused at times, I generally make an ass out of myself on a daily basis... however I emo because I can... and if you don't like my emo, you can kiss my ass... but then again, you'd prolly like that.. wouldn't you .. sick fucks....
