Welcome to the rant page... I talk about stuff that pisses me off...

I've been slacking off alot lately and this past week just blew on by faster than I thought it would... October has always been an odd month for me... but, neh... what can you do?... heh

My birthday is on the 12th... turning 23... hell I thought that it'd be easier to accept the age progression, but I feel so empty inside... I feel as though my whole life is slowing down while the rest of the world has sped up... it's odd to think of it like that, I realize, but when you do... it still doesn't make a lick of sense... I suppose I never wanted to grow up, I still don't... and after being out of college for over a year now... I only had one professional job that I kept for a few months...

Yeah, the job was working on a magazine, it was fun, I did brochures, ad work, even worked on a issue myself to honor the phoenix awards... I gained alot of experience doing that job... but that was some time ago, and well... where I am, work in my field isn't common... I could chalk it up to being lazy, or just not ambitious enough... I don't really know the answer though and to claim I do would just end up me being a fool for saying so in the first place...

However, I can't let these things get me down... I strive to continue onward regardless of lack of fame or fortune... I find that sometimes a nice view from the background is as appealing as the spotlight... I wonder if that's a good way to go throughout life?... I wonder if that's the role I was meant to play... I know that in June of next year I won't be returning home, but instead blindly jouneying west to see what I can make of myself... and yeah, I should've done this alot sooner... I couldn't agree with you more on that, but when I look back at my life these last few years... I think there was a reason I had to stay and why I stay at the moment...

Regardless... 23 is a daunting number, it fills me with pride and fills me with overwhelming anxiety and fear... I just hope this next year will prove fruitful and I can escape this prison of which I've grown accustomed...

- Tiki Man