My Bandana of Green will lead the way to a rant... maybe... -_-;;

Wow... Been a while since I just sat down at my computer and just randomly typed a rant here... I mean, it's not like I've been lazy... I've... I've been lazy... that and so filled with odd emo that it bewildered me to a point where it wasn't able to manifest itself properly through ranting...

I mean, the emo still hurts, I don't think it's something I can get over quickly... but I can look at myself objectively now and criticize my actions and thoughts on the matter... and geez... I don't know what I was thinking... I was overly dense and deluded from idle hope that wasn't really there... I suppose that hope really is the mind killer, the end of all rationale and the start of dementia.

Still, even upon this realization that came only after the fact of truths and an odd way of telling me these inevitabilities, I'm doing the best I can in my ability to cope with the situation and the way I feel about it... I can't be dishonest about it and say I'm fine, I can't lie and just say I'm better now... I can't do that it'd be too heartbreaking to myself to do such a thing... and plus it's annoying...

I suppose I have to do what I always do in situations where I find it difficult to accept... I end up making bad jokes and will recluse back into drawings... because without my art, I don't think I have much else to go on... and that really sucks... well for me at least.. for you reading this it means that I'll be back to drawing commissions properly on time and will in turn start doing this comic more properly.

The comic is going well, but my update days are killing me, which means I should buckle down and start drawing them at least a comic or two ahead of schedule... so that case if I can't draw on the day I need to I can update without losing the update battle... that and I need to get about a month ahead in time for AnthroCon... but I'll talk more about that when May rolls around... anyhow, that's all I gots, take easy all...

- Tiki Man