Welcome to JAWC v2.0, now with 23% more emo!

I wonder how many people actually read my rants... I've been under the egotistical idea that what I say here is read by hundreds of people each time I update... I have the thought that what I say actually matters to all the people who stop by this site and read the comic and look at the artwork... I was under the impression that what I say and do matters... now is that egotistical?... or is it just delusional?...

Where in my wildest delusions did I start to become egotistical about what I write here?... Does it come across as though I realize what I say could be read by all the people?.. if I did, why is whatever I've been saying so superficial?.. why isn't more thought provoking and hip... maybe I don't really think anyone is reading this... maybe on some base level I realize.. or rather have always known that this spot is meant for nothing more than a filler between people reading the comic and looking at the art pages... that my whole rant space is merely here because I needed an extra page to fill up the lack of content that doesn't show up from week to week...

I guess it's sorta depressing knowing that I have no clout, that my words are falling on deaf ears, or rather no ears at all... the rant page is now a pathetic excuse for me to ramble on about nothing... so much nothing that it just comes off the top of my head... should I take this blow head on?... try to wrap it around another delusion... perhaps this is merely a half empty half full scenario... whereas sure, no one reads this... but maybe I can put a spin on the positive and work that angle... yeah... that's the ticket... it's a good thing dammit!.. I can make this work!...

Just because nobody reads this section doesn't mean I should let it get me down... this gives me the freedom to say whatever I want without worrying of reprecussions based on other people throwing hissy fits if it doesn't conform to there ideals... so screw 'em all... I'm now exempt from everything and anything that could possibly happen to me... so try your worst you denizens of the net... you can all burn... hahaha... I'm outta here for this rant... see ya next time.

- Tiki Man