Welcome to JAWC v2.0, now with 25% more emo! 5% more than last time!

Furbid Auctions!

Squirrel Girl - Pencils
Happy Halloween - DigiPrint & Pencils
Evening Gown - DigiPrint & Pencils

Allright, now that the main stuff is out of the way, yeah, that's right the auctions are still going on, but rather than clutter up my rant area with pics that have been mostly seen already, I'll just leave the text links up for the peoples' perusal... so peruse already... -_-;;

Been a while since I had something to really rant about, and I suppose I should touch upon I-Con abit... I gotta say I did two webcomic panels and one furry panel, and the webcomic panels were wonderful, I really feel as though I knew my material and was able to say what I wanted and fielded questions without any worry about what may come next... using my knowledge in storyboarding, the panels went smoothly as I touched on how storyboarding is similar to comics, scene to scene and whatnot, regardless... I had alot of fun doing those panels... then came the next day when I had to do a furry panel.

I draw anthropomorphic art... and it wasn't until I saw the horror of the fandom that I was thankful that I wasn't a "furry"... some may call me that, but I can feel assured that the "furries" are in a class of there own... then again, I guess I shouldn't sum up the people of the fandom based on one or two people, but geez, those few people that showed up and made comment freaked me out... it's as if his whole life revolved around the stereotypes of furries... and I was slightly scared...

I'm not gonna name names, but wow, who goes around saying that they've seen people yiff... that's messed up shit... that's stuff you take with you to the grave... that's like someone bringing a stuffed animal with them and then saying you just had sex with it before you came into the room... SHIT!... I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT... it's creepy and wrong, anyone wants to contradict that, geez, you've got problems too... there should be a limit to what is a "furry" vs. "degenerate psychotic that wants to fuck tiny animals"... yet the whole of the "furries" are lumped into one big group together, unable to sort the psychos from the freaks...

Meanwhile I was able to meet some really cool anthro artists like, Fossil, scully raptor and chillymouse... which reminds me I have to email pics from my sketchbook to them... geez, I'm being lazy... sorry guys (if you're reading this that is... pics are on the way... soon...-_-;;) anyhow, I've seen the good and the bad, and luckily my tenure with the fandom has been at the hands of fairly normal people that are easy going and cool to just hang around with... I look foward to seeing these people and others I know when AnthroCon comes around in June...

- Tiki Man