Welcome to JAWC v2.0, now with 30% more emo! 5% more than last time!

Yeah, I have 3 auctions up for bids... yeah, I'm still pushing those CD's... although I think this may be the last time I put them up for auction until beginning of June... it seems that no one really wants them, heh... then again, it's not like I'm a popular artist able to cause mass frenzy at the mere wave of my pencil... dang that'd be cool tho' ^^;;

Now I know what most of you are thinking... you're thinking, what's this damnable money whore doing trying to peddle his pathetic wares upon the populous!?... well, the answer for that is simple... I want to move out of my parents house... it's about time I stopped being so dependent and got out on my own to live life and finally be able to know who I am away from my parents sphere of influence... so the more money I can gain, the sooner I can get out and live...

however there's the few of you still going, well, why not get a job you derelict bum, you sad sack of loser-dom... well to that, I say... I'm trying, don't think I'm just relying on what I can sell of my art, I mean c'mon, that's insane, I'm not prolific enough, nor am I as popular as others that I could get away with it... I'm just some regular run of the mill artists that's trying to exist on the net amongst the throngs of others obviously more deserving of your time and money, yet I still feel the need to whore myself out whenever possible... so I'm working on the job front, however it's slow, and I hate waiting for a callback that's obviously never coming... -_-;;;

Anyhow, I think I covered all my bases in regards to my need for cash and what I'm offering in return... well, the auctions at least... I hate just asking for cash, especially since I know nothing will come of it... I think the point of panhandling for cash comes with the territory that whoever is nearby will eventually feel enough pity that they'll reach into their pockets and say, "hell, poor bastard is worse off than I am, let's help him out with a nickel"... I haven't hit that situation where a nickel would be a sight to behold, yet I do like money... it makes the world go round... and although you can't buy happiness, I'd like to be able to at least rent it...

AnthroCon is coming in fast... I wanted to go from AnthroCon out west where I would supposedly make a new life for myself... yet circumstances, which I could have prevented had I been more proactive, are keeping my journey from happening... does that mean I should give up?... yes... however I am not, which only proves how stubborn and foolish I really am, regardless, I'm building a house upon the sand and am gonna give it a shot no matter the outcome... because I know that I'll be allowed to come back from whence I came, to try again, to gather my resources and give it another shot... so even if I fail... the worst that happens is coming back and accepting that this time I failed.

It's accepting that failure that will make me yearn to succeed the next time... to go forth in the face of adversity and laugh at it's sneering grin and take my turn to shine in the stage of life to which before I was a mere extra... I want to become more than a blurb in the obit section of the news... I want so much, yet I know that being an extra isn't all that bad... I know that a blurb is at least a mention... so no matter what I'll be noticed... if nothing more than a noted name in the halls of destitution... I cannot let the failings of my past hinder my progress, nor can I allow myself to be sucked back into the doldrums to which I've slowly grown accustomed... I must perservere and brave the treacherous climb of the mountain... and then when I reach the peak... I can look back and decide if it was really worth the climb... plant my flag and yell to the world... I AM NO LONGER A BOY... I AM NOW A MAN!... and then I can decide what to do from there, to go on and scale another mountain, or be contented that I accomplished my goals that I set out to do and bask in that glow...

I don't know what else to say... if you can look at the auctions and buy something, that'd be cool... tell a friend, tell anyone, spread the word... I need all the help I can get at the moment... so check out what I have to offer, and maybe donate if you can spare a buck or two...

- Tiki Man