Welcome to JAWC v2.5 : Back from Hiatus to Rant...

Geez, I'm a fucking mess... things are just fucked up more than I ever hoped it would be... but hey, what's a guy supposed to do?... that's right... revert to the way things used to be, just in a different environment... is it wrong? is it detrimental to a persons' being?... probably, but hell, it's what I used to, and when shit hits the fan, always get back to basics, and basics for me is alone and by myself, away from the freaks of the world...

I find being alone isn't that bad, in fact it's sometimes the best thing going... makes me yearn for a place of my own away from everyone, just a place I can lie back, look towards the sky and relax, away from people and everything, away from the annoyance of everyday life and worries that come to roost on a saturday night as you just realize what a pratt you've been for the last 4 years... and that's when you realize that maybe socializing isn't for you, maybe being a hermit is a good idea after all...

I just know that these months leading up to January will be the time that it takes for me to make a decision of what it is I'm striving to become or do, and whether I choose to endure, or set off on a pilgrimage to parts unknown in an effort to find a sense of purpose, to find that piece I feel I'm missing...

I want to find the piece that makes me whole... but unfortunately I feel I'll be incomplete for a long time.

- Tiki Man