Welcome to JAWC v2.5 : No bandana, just hair, long wild and free... rant time...

Yeah, I'm writing this rant on Friday rather than on Monday... why?... no reason, just wanted to get the site ready for an update early rather than wait for the last minute... waitatic... that's a reason!!... Regardless... I just can't really think of what it is I want to say anyhow, daily updates are really annoying, but luckily I only have two days of work next week and then I'll have 4 days off... Thursday, Friday and the rest of the weekend... so I should have plenty of time to screw things up for myself... here's to hopin' I don't get too sidetracked making a "Hungry Man XXL" turkey meal... it's pretty good...

Anyhow, I won't make commentary about Thanksgiving until that Wednesday for Thursday update... so I'll try to avoid that topic... What I will commment on is that I'll have time to finish that Halloween pic this coming week, so yay for that, only a month behind... and no, I won't have a special Thanksgiving comic or picture... I... well, I won't get into how I feel about T-day until that update... but yeesh... I find that I'm losing money like a sieve lately, and to make matters worse I still have so much to worry about, especially with Black Friday coming up...

Yeah, the day after Thanksgiving... so hopefully I'll be able to update early on T-day... regardless of that, I find that the whole PS3 debacle scary... I mean, geez, when the hell is Sony gonna get it right... make a shitload of units so there won't be scalping and price gouging... shit, it's annoying... that and I don't see the point on staying overnight for a product... I think I'll be trying to take things easy this year and make the day a whole day thing instead of 5am rush and home for the rest of the time... personally I know what I want and it's at two different stores on different ends of the county... but eh, if I buy one I can't get the other, I don't feel like breaking my bank roll over this...

But I won't plan on buying a PS3 until the price drops a bit come after the holidays... or I walk into a bestbuy or walmart and they actually have it when I ask... then maybe, cause who could resist selling that baby on ebay for 3x the cost... hehehehe... Evil?... perhaps, but you can't beat that profit... that just... man talk about a sweet investment... but I wouldn't... I'd prolly crack that sucker open and start playing games... social life?.. hell no, not after that investment... but damn, blue ray technology for under a grand... *cough* anyhow... gonna wrap things up cause I got nothin'... so until next time...

- Tiki Man