Welcome to JAWC v2.5 : With My Bandana of the Smilies... I rant...

Fire today in the apartment building... well that might be a bit much... it's an alleged fire... we know there was smoke, and the firemen and emergency rescue came by and checked the building... going so far as to use the ladder truck to check out a window where the occupant didn't answer the door... yeah, it was... well, it was something else... it caught me by surprise and pushed the comic back a bit... but I finished and here it is...

Still the whole annoying alarm and sirens, made me wonder... what are my plans for an escape in the case of a full fledged fire... I don't think I'm accurately prepared for this kind of situation... regardless... I've gotta talk to management about what happens to my stuff in case of fire and whether or not I need to pick up apartment insurance or something like that... very cold outside... annoying... meh...

Regardless of that, gottalot to do, so I'll be brief... not much to bitch about at the moment, so see ya 'round, take easy, and here's to hopin' I make it through the next 24 comics until I'm back to my normal schedule...

- Tiki Man